Bulk data to After Effects

MVP ready for customer.

Today I paused most of the AWS infrastructure that has been running during development and testing. The bulk data to After Effects engine is ready for its first customer and I need to focus on finalising the deal with them, not adding new features. I also finished a 35 second product intro video, which I’ll release when I get permission from the featured brand.

I’m really proud of this product. I’ve integrated an Adobe After Effects back-end, a complex piece of open-source, a load of fiddly AWS bits and pieces, a Sanity headless CMS and Slack.

It’s all hands-off so you can settle back with a cuppa and watch the system collect jobs from a customer API, fill out Sanity documents with images and text, spin up EC2 instances, chew though the renders, deliver finished assets back to Sanity and ping out Slack notifications containing thumbnails.